Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fire Cider

Fire Cider Trade Marked???? 
Please write this man and Etsy and let them know this is a product/name that has been around for decades and is not his to 'own'
Warm greetings, Mary, thanks so much for letting me know that the word 'has gotten out' about this situation. I was so disappointed when I heard about this. I received a note just a few days ago informing me that a man has trademarked this product. I found this rather unbelievable ~ and extremely disappointing ~ since I first made and named this recipe over 35 years and have taught thousands of people to make it. It was a recipe based on many old formulas and has been popular for years (long before my time, I'm sure). So many people make and sell it, as it was given freely to everyone, to be used, to keep healthy with, and to sell. But the audacity of someone to lay claim to the name and then trademark so others can't use it, is hugely disappointing to me. One of these days I'm going to find out someone has trademarked my 'famous face cream'! again, its the same situation; everyone can make it, reformulate, rename it, and sell it as they please. But to trade mark it and not allows others to make and sell is purely wrong.
I had written to the gentleman who has claimed this as his formula and his name, in hopes that he'd rescind on the trademark. And really didn't want to make it public until he had the opportunity to see that he had made a mistake, but his response back to me was simply that it was his formula and he had a right to the trademark. He actually said when he went on line he or the trademark lawyers didn't find any other references to Fire Cider or companies making it!! Well, he must be using a different search engine than google, because when I googled Fire Cider there were many companies, recipes and references to it.
Anyway, I think its time we let people know so they can write to him and let him know this is not his name or recipe to own. Its old, has been used extensively, not only by me but by thousands of others, and is not for anyone to 'own' or lay claim to. I think people need to let Etsy know, too, what's happening, because, if I understand correctly, people who were selling Fire Cider on Etsy were asked to discontinue selling it. Again, horribly disappointing!!!
I will draft a more extensive reply and send it out, but in the meantime, perhaps, you wouldn't mind posting this so people are aware of what's happening. Also, I will make a list of all the references in my correspondence course (published since the early 1980's), my books, and class notes that refer to Fire Cider and include that information.

with you in healing ways, Rosemary

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