Monday, January 27, 2014

Boycott Shire City Herbals Fire CIder

Greetings! Thank you for supporting this effort!
Shire City Herbals has been approached and will not remove the trademark from Fire Cider. So, we have to take the next step to protect traditional herbalism. Boycott! 
Here is a form letter to give to retailers that sell their brand. a complete list is on their website: Please send as many as you can and share!

Dear Retailer, I am writing to talk to you about one of the brands you carry, Shire City Herbals, Fire Cider. Fire Cider is a term invented by Rosemary Gladstar over 35 years ago, and has been shared by her freely since then to tens of thousands of people. She has it in her published books from the 90‘s and pamphlets from the 1970’s. This term is as common as pizza or tea in the herb world. The manufacturers have trademarked this term, and have started taking legal action against herbal companies that sell Fire Cider. People who have been selling this product for over 30 years. They have taken this term, and claimed that they invented it. Why should you care about this? This type of tunnel vision capitalism will just open the door to trademarking of traditional medicines for profit. The biggest reason that this is dangerous is because herbs and herbalism have always been widely available to everyone. Corporatizing it will change it into something that looks more like what the pharmaceutical industry looks like right now. This company has been approached, been asked to remove the trademark by Rosemary Gladstar and thousands of herbalists, and they will not do this. I would like you to consider supporting our boycott and remove Fire Cider made by Shire City Herbals from your shelves until they revoke the trademark. Please consider contacting the company and encourage them to remove the trademark. If keeping herbalism free and for the people is important to you, then this is a great way to show it! There is an active group of over 2000 herbalists that are petitioning the United States Patent and Trademark Office to remove of trademark. (2000 signatures in 1 day to remove this trademark, with plenty more to come!). Thank you for your time, Your Name

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